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You're Invited To Join the Discovery Center!

January 29, 2021

All 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade students in Ridge-Brook and Thoreau Park Elementary Schools are invited to join us at the Discovery Center.  We are a FREE after school program housed at Thoreau Park Elementary School. We are open Tuesdays – Fridays from 3:30 – 5:45.

The Discovery Center is a 21st Century Community Learning Center and is grant-funded. We provide a healthy snack, 1 hour of tutoring & homework help and 1 hour of enrichment every day. Your child would attend on their assigned in-school day: either Tuesday & Wednesdays or Thursday & Fridays. We host a virtual “Family Fun Night” once a month.

Tutoring & Homework Help

Students are assigned a teacher who assists students with homework and provides short lessons in math and reading. Due to the PCSD Health & Safety Plan, students remain in their assigned small groups throughout the program hours of 3:30 – 5:45.


Students attend 2 different 30-minute enrichment activities every day. Activities may include: cooking, crafts, music, art, social & emotional learning, games, and Lego STEM. Please watch the short video about our Virtual Illustration enrichment. Artist Jim Gill from The Center For Arts-Inspired Learning demonstrates how he teaches our students how to illustrate.

Family Fun Night

Once a month we get our families together to enjoy a fun virtual activity. Recently we have been cooking with a Cuyahoga Community College chief who guides our students and their families through preparing a dinner for the whole family. We provide all the food. This is very fun and very popular so families must sign up to participate.

If this sounds like a place where your child will thrive, please contact us. We are currently accepting registrations. Laura Coufalik is our site coordinator and is happy to answer any questions you may have -

Attached are the Recruitment flyer, link to our virtual illustration video and a link to our registration packet!