Kindergarten Launch Academy
All About KLA:
Kindergarten Launch Preview Night Video
Kindergarten Launch Academy (KLA) is an optional alternative to starting traditional kindergarten. KLA is an additional year of schooling designed for our youngest learners. It provides students with a strong foundation for academic and social success as they begin their educational journey and before they attend a traditional kindergarten classroom.
KLA ensures that our youngest learners are prepared for the challenges and joys of of traditional schooling, setting them on a path to lifelong success.
With KLA, students have extended exposure to Ohio's Kindergarten Standards:
- Phonological awareness, letter names/sounds, vocabulary
- Number sense/counting, patterns, and problem-solving
- Students engage in explicit fine motor skills practice: cutting, coloring, handwriting
- Daily hands-on and play-based learning opportunities enhance students’ social and self-regulation skills, empathy, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication.
Students who are enrolled in KLA will complete two years of kindergarten:
- Year 1: Full-day KLA classroom
- Year 2: Full-day traditional or STEM kindergarten classroom
All About KLA
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Amy Cruse
Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction
Amy Szeremet
(440) 885-8316