
  • Shiloh Logo

      • Cheerleading has two seasonal squads. One for football and one for basketball season, comprised of both 7th and 8th graders. Cheerleaders only cheer at home games.
      • You must also complete the FinalForms registration and sign off each document (parents log in separately from students - both need to sign documents)
      • Cheerleaders are able to participate in another sport opposite their cheerleading season.
      • In order to participate, you need a VALID, CURRENT, signed, and dated Physical OHSAA form.  The physical form must be filled out by both a parent and a physician.
      • There is no athletic fee to participate, however there may be a team fee for spirit wear and or uniform fee. You will need cash, a check, or money order payable to Parma City Schools.
      • Without the physical and Final Forms registration, your child would have to sit out of practice.