About Us

  • First Step PreSchool            

    First Step Preschool
    7700 Malibu Drive
    Parma, Ohio  44130
    Phone: (440) 885-8665

    Lara Svihlik
    Early Childhood Coordinator


    For Preschool Registration, Please Call (440) 885-8665.



    Welcome to Parma City School District’s First Step Preschool.  The program is for preschoolers ages 3-5 who reside in Parma, Parma Heights, or Seven Hills.  We serve preschoolers with and without special needs.  First Step Preschool has been designed to enhance and enrich the development of each child with the recognition of each student as a unique individual, worthy of the opportunity to reach their potential. We strive to provide a fun, safe, and enriching environment for all children in our care.

    You are asked to refer to the Family Handbook as needed as its purpose is to provide consistency when dealing with situations as they arise.  


    Our goal is to provide a safe, enjoyable, enriching developmentally-appropriate learning environment, while supporting the emotional well-being of every child by offering opportunities for social interaction and learning experiences. 


    Our First Step Preschool is designed to meet the needs of young children, ages 3-5 via a continuum of least restrictive services. The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is a federal law that assures children with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment (LRE). 


    Our First Step Preschool Calendar is available on our school website and is sent home in our annual orientation packet.  Disclaimer:  First Step Calendar dates/times are subject to change.

    As part of PCSD, First Step follows the district calendar with modified days at the beginning and end of the school year.  Our center-based program runs Tuesday through Friday, with two sessions:  An AM Session from 8:20-10:50am and PM Session from 11:50-2:20pm. 

    Itinerant hours and location(s) are scheduled by the IEP team, complying with IEP services and minutes. 

    Although there is no truancy in preschool, daily attendance is recorded; admissions, placements, transitions, and withdrawals are logged within PCSD procedures.  Please call our First Step Office Attendance Line at 440-885-8645 to report attendance.  If your child receives a PCSD bus for transportation and will be absent, please call transportation at 440-885-8336 and inform transportation of your child’s first/last name and bus number.  Please see “Should I Keep My Child Home From School Today?” for a list of medical reasons not to send your child to First Step. 

    In the event the Parma City Schools are closed due to an emergency (i.e. inclement weather, power outages) First Step Preschool will close and all activities are canceled.


    The registration process for Preschool is a two-step process:
                1. You must call First Step directly at (440) 885-8665 to fill out an application.

                2. After you complete Step 1, you must fill out the online application