1981 Girls 3200m Relay Team

  • Girls 3200m Relay Team Senior Margie Kabat, juniors Leslie Ritter, Karen Kot, and Sophomore Coleen Gallagher planned to be part of the three-year-old Patriot Track team in 1981.  Their speed, aerobic talent, and work ethic impressed Coach Dave Durell.  He had the vision that this group could compete successfully in both individual events and start off their meets with a great keynote event: the 4 x 800m relay.


    The coach's vision was fulfilled in the Horseshoe during the finals of the Ohio State Track meet in June. The girls ran to a sixth-place finish among the 16 top teams in Ohio and established a school-record time of 9:29.4 which still stands 37 years later. Margie owns the early VF shot put record and was MVP of the Patriot Gymnastics team.


    Leslie, Karen, and Coleen were members of the regional qualifying basketball team. Margie and Leslie wer successful student track athletes at Cleveland State University and Coleen ran track and cross country and Villanova. They all have been able to balance their family and career responsibilities very effectively. 


    STARTING UP LEFT - CLOCKWISE: Coleen Gallagher, Karen Kot, Margie Kabat, Leslie Ritter