Welcome to the Normandy High School PTSA. We voted at the end of the 2016/17 school year to become a Parent/Teacher/Student Association. That means that students can now join and participate in our meetings. Our membership dues are $5.00 per person, including students. We hope that you will decide to join. If you misplaced the envelope that was in your Summer Packet, you can send in your dues to the Main Office in an envelope marked "PTSA" with the following information: Member name(s), address, phone number, email address and your student's grade/homeroom number.
PTSA has extended the date for Reflections submissions until Monday, November 27th. This year's theme is "Within Reach" and the categories are dance choreography, film, literature, music, photography and visual arts. Additional details and forms are available on the Ohio PTA website at
ohiopta.org (click on the Programs tab and then the Reflections tab) and flyers are on the counter in the Student Services office behind Mrs. Pio. If you have any questions, please send an email to our co-chairs Kim Red at
krichred@yahoo.com or Vania Minah at
vminah@icloud.com. Remember, there are possible cash prizes if you win at the State and/or National levels of $200-$800, not to mention that our PTSA will award a gift card to our school winners.
PTA is having a Box Tops/Tyson Labels Contest! The grade that brings in the most Box Tops by December 19th will win $50 for your class bank account! All you have to do is submit Box Tops or Tyson Labels in the Student Services Office in an envelope or small bag with your grade on it. Tell everyone you know you're collecting Box Tops and Tyson Labels again and try to win some cash for your grade.
For more information please contact:
Annette Spetrino
NHS PTSA President
If you want to get involved:
STUDENTS AND PARENTS, WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you could give us some time on Friday, December 1st after school until about 9:00 PM or on Saturday December 2nd from 7:30 AM until 7:30 PM, we would greatly appreciate it! Any time you can help is fine - you don't have to stay the whole time! We also need moms and dads to help if they can, since we will be moving tables and setting up/cleaning up. If you're able to help, please email us at normandyptsa@aol.com.