Report Bullying/Safety Hotline

  • safetyAnti-Bullying initiatives are year-round. The district-wide program at PCSD is a collaboration between administration, our school buildings, parents and community organizations. In addition, each school building conducts various anti-bullying programs throughout the year.

    Learn about the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) program guiding our schools.

    • Bullying/Security/Safety Report Hotline: (844) 723-3764 or (844) SAFEROH
    • Bullying can also be reported to the school main office during the school day
    • Online Reporting via email:
    • Students are also encouraged to make verbal reports to any PCSD staff member.

    These hotlines are anonymous. Please be prepared to provide the following information so that we can help you best:

    1. Explain the incident or problem.
    2. Where did the incident take place?
    3. Who was involved?
    4. Which school(s) do the individuals attend?

    Thank you for doing your part to STOP BULLYING in our schools and keep our buildings SAFE!