Early Entrance is designed for the exceptional child who is both academically ready as well as developmentally mature when compared to others his or her chronological age. Early Entrance to kindergarten is addressed through gifted education. It is covered in the State of Ohio's Model Student Acceleration Policy.
According to the Ohio Revised Code (3324.01), "gifted" means students perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishments when compared to others their age, experience or environment.
Parents may request early kindergarten entrance testing if a child turns five years old after the district's kindergarten entrance date of September 30th and before January 1st.
Please note: Very few children qualify for early entrance to kindergarten. Please make sure you proceed with childcare arrangements as a contingency. If you are selecting a Preschool program, understand that these programs routinely fill up quickly.
If you would like to schedule testing, you may contact Dr. Amy Cruse at (440) 885-8784