Family & Consumer Sciences Courses

  • These pathway electives are semester courses taken in high school.

Career and College Readiness

  • Career development program for 9th to 12th graders. Students will develop effective learning strategies and skills to provide a strong foundation for successful lifelong learning. Throughout the course, students will research careers and occupation, review post-secondary admissions and qualifications, develop interviewing skills, and be provided with information, assistance in applying for internships, and planning for summer jobs and/or volunteer opportunities. The course will utilize OCIS (Ohio Career Information System) and Naviance.

Child Development

  • Students will understand the decisions of parenting, conception, pregnancy, prenatal care and child development by focusing on physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development at various stages. Completing the Real Care Babies project is required for this course. Some special topics include child abuse, adoptions, careers, divorce, parenting trends, and child care.

Creative Foods for Healthy Living

  • Course content will focus on building and maintaining a healthy body through exercise and diet. Students will practice safe food handling procedures to prevent foodborne pathogens while participating in advanced healthy food lab experiences. Students will use time management strategies, decision-making skills, and multi-cultural awareness that relate to work and family goals to sustain productive, meaningful lifestyles. During this hands-on course, students create food patterns and evaluate nutritional information to guide food choices for a healthy lifestyle. Because students will be eating what they prepare, the teacher must be notified of dietary concerns and/or food allergies.

On Your Own

  • On Your Own offers students the opportunity to learn and develop skills necessary as they head into the world of adulthood. Topics covered are money management, goal setting, decision-making skills, communication, building healthy relationships, careers and employability skills. This is a great class for students who are ready to start their journey into the real world.

Teen Foods and Nutrition

  • Teen Foods & Nutrition will teach you how to shop smart, plan and prepare healthy meals, using the USDA and new dietary guidelines. Students will explore the cultural, family, community and economic implications of food patterns and behavior with an emphasis on healthy lifestyles. Participation in cooking labs will enable students to demonstrate safe food handling practices while preparing attractive, tasty and healthy foods. Because students will be eating what they prepare, the teacher must be notified of dietary concerns and/or food allergies.

Textiles and Interior Design

  • In this course, students will explore a broad range of topics relating to the various aspects and career opportunities available in the field of textiles and design. The emphasis will be given to textiles project development and developing strategies to maintain the home. Additional topics will include project collaboration, design techniques and environmental sustainability.