Getting Started

  • getting started picture

    Our office is the clearinghouse for competitive grants for schools, programs and teachers.  We help ensure that PCSD schools are not accidentally competing against each other; that grants and crowdfunding projects fall within District goals/parameters; and that applicants get the support they need. (Please review Board Policy 6605 and Administrative Guidelines 6605 regarding Crowdfunding.)  All grant and crowdfunding proposals must be approved by administration.  Please note that all materials and funds received are considered district property. 

    Discuss your grant or crowdfunding idea with your Principal/Supervisor.  Fill out a Grant/Crowdfunding Proposal Intent Form and send to the Federal Programs Office. 

    Note: If your grant budget pays for “people,” (i.e., salaries, addenda, substitutes, stipends, or extra help) the budget must include benefits. Call us for assistance.

    If your grant includes technology (hardware or software programs and technology-based resources), check the “PCSD Approved Technology List”.  This page also will include software purchase guidelines. If in doubt, call our Department of Information Systems at (440) 885-8333.

    If your grant has equipment or furniture that needs to be installed or secured, call our Business/Maintenance Department at (440) 885-8338.

    If you need help preparing your grant, call or email us. Some grants also need to be reviewed and/or signed by the Superintendent. If this is the case with your grant or if you think this is the case, call or email us. We will help you with this process.

    Provide a copy of your completed grant or crowdfunding application to the Grants Office within five days after submitting your proposal. This is a District requirement.

    Finally, remember to notify the Grants Office as soon as you find out whether you have won or not won your grant or had your project funded, and good luck!